Would be a solid Game if they'd Patch up the infinite Soul Glitch!

User Rating: 8 | Demon's Souls PS3
If you're a hardcore gamer like me, and you pretty much dont play games as much anymore but find yourself hoping you'd come across or a buy a game that might keep u going for a few days.. than this might be the game for you! I really would recommend Atlus (maker of games such as tactic ogres, and other VERY fun games) to patch up the glitches in this game that other people abuses to get max leveled... It kinda sucks when you climb up to the top tower and find that the top 20 statues shows people who have only played 20 hours into the game but has 999999999 souls... because of this, i give this game a 7.5 .

i actually enjoyed this one as much as dark soul.. So if you think you can afford the price, (i paid 13 bucks for a used one). Get it, it's one of the few games i actually enjoyed... Just turn away from those glitch users cause they might kill the mood and make you not want to beat the game at least once... you feel this satisfaction each time you kill a boss because it's cool like that... Btw That blind girl you meet has a funny way of talking, it bothered me but i was taught to love so just putting it out there... i still need to beat this game.. maybe i might just do the glitch and run through the game one time... :)

P.s The title "demon's souls" bothered me, but other than that, i think atlus put a lot of love into this game