Not only is Demon's Souls is a real challenge, it is also one of the best RPG's on this system of consoles.

User Rating: 9 | Demon's Souls PS3
Story: The story takes place in the kingdom of Boletaria, which is being over swept by a dark fog that was summoned by a powerful demon known as the Old One. With this a lot of the people of Boletaria have lost their souls and have gone insane or turned into monsters. many warriors have tried to save the kingdom but all have failed. You play as a nameless character who is sent into the kingdom and you soon find yourself in the nexus where you must travel to the many areas in Boletaria and slay all of the main demons that have taken control of the area. And that pretty much sums up the story. While the story may be very limited it draws you in with its fantastic atmosphere. The moody, dark setting really draws your attention in and the game leaves it up to you to fill the gaps. There are very few cut scenes to fill in the story so you need to go around and really figure out the lore of the world by talking to NPC's and traveling to different areas. While the story may seem very minimalistic, this only makes the story better and really gives this great vibe of it being a hopeless world that needs to be restored.

Graphics: The game sure has a lot going for it in this department and it mostly succeeds. The graphics look pretty much amazing for the most part. The attention to detail is pretty astounding for the most part, the environments, enemies, and locations all look great. The bosses espically all look great and are a highlight of the game. Most of the game there is no music except with the bosses, and OMG the muisc is amazing and is some of the best in a video game. The sound is also good like the voice acting which is mostly good and the rest of the sound effects are well done as well. The bad is really that the game can look a little dated and the character models look like plastic. But other than those two minor faults the game looks fantastic.

Gameplay: The gameplay may seem very simple but in reality it is one of the deepest and most rewarding games on this generation of consoles. The controls are simple: you have a light attack, heavy attack, block, cast spell or miracle, counter, and interacting with the world. There are many different types of weapon sets in the game and these should all fit to the style of gameplay you prefer. You select what class you want to be when the game first starts but you can create any type of character you want as the game goes on. there are hundreds upon hundreds of different types of armor, weapons, spells, miracles, sheilds, and many other things to find and use in the game. In the game you kill enemies to collect demon's souls, demon's souls are the currency in the game. You use them to buy things, upgrade your stats and weapons, and are the main driving force in the game. Now you have heard other people say, you probably heard your friends say it, and your gonna hear me say it... THIS GAME IS F@&%@$G HARD!!!!! I am not kidding this game will kick your ass and push you to new levels of frustration. (I actually broke my first copy of the game, no kidding). What makes this game so hard is that everytime you die you basically have to restart the entire level from the last archstone (which usually appears after you kill a boss). You also loose all of your souls that you tried so hard to collect, and the only way to get them back is to get to the place where you last died and get it back, and if you die again you loose all your souls and all of the enemies respawn. Everything in this game is trying to kill you, the many different types of enemies, the environment, even other players (get to that soon) are trying to kill you. Every time you die its a learning experience, you learn from your mistakes and try again. In doing so you will become good at the game and truly master it. Now the best part of the gameplay if you ask me are the bosses, all of them are epic and will kick your ass so much that you don't want to give up on the game. Every time you die you learn from your mistakes, try different tactics, and once you kill one your on top of the world. However you will meet a few friendly faces here and there, these NPC's will ususally tell you about the world, give you items, or even help you in combat. Now this game also has some online features which are orginal and well intergrated into the game. you can leave messages for other players, read other players messages, see where other players have died, and thats not the best part. You can also summon other players into your world to help you or you can invade other people's worlds and kill them. The same thing can happen vice versa, you can help them and people will try and kill you. There are a few complaints I have with this game however: like I said the game is wicked hard and this should not be taken lightly, this game will cause you to curse the day you ever picked up a Playstation controller. The lock on system is a little broken and can lead to a lot of cheap deaths. That and there are some moments in the game that are just down right unfair at times. But the challenge for the most part is worth it and this is one of the best gaming experiences out there.

Story: 8.5 While it seems simple on the surface, there is a very drawing atmosphere and tone to the story that really keeps you captivated.

Graphics: 9 Some amazing designs and attention to detail really make this game look fantastic, not to mention an amazing soundtrack.

Gameplay: 9.5 You will scream till your red in the face, but it is one of the best RPG's out there.

Enjoyment: 9 As much as this game pissed me off. The more I wanted and I didn't want to give up on this amazing game.

Final Score: 9