One of the first in the FPS genre on DS that really worth the pick if you are willing so.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dementium: The Ward DS
For many times, consoles and portables have been trying to apply the First Person Shooter Genre in pair with the PC, some have managed to get closer, others not that far, but neverless Dementium: The Ward arrives on DS makes such exclusive title worthwhile for the plataform:

Graphics 9/10: I will be honest to you reader when i say that so far, i NEVER saw such hardware use on DS on any title(even Metroid Prime Hunters wouldn't got so far). The Graphics are creepy, giving the small feeling that indeed you are in a gloomy place, having many blood splattered on the wall, corpses and remains on the background, and a solid 3D visuals with descent effects and stuff. The monsters design are amazing and well animated, looking indeed like many horror CG's that you see in PSX early games, showing off what truly the DS can handle without the loadtimes that would like to be present in such game. So far the only bad thing in this concept is that the scenarios still show some pixels even at a reasonable distance, not that it breaks the game in, but since the designers cared for a horror blurry experience they could have refined a bit, but that's minor for the game overall picture.

Sound 9/10: Despite sometimes feels repetitive, the soundtrack is very suitable for the atmosphere of the game, not only it's oriented to give the player the sense of being indeed trapped inside a hellhole but also makes the tension going up allied with the sound effects. These one's by the way are realistic at the point that you just by hearing the most insignificant "screech" makes you take out you weapon to check you surrondings fearing somehow for a backstab, since the most unworthy zombie to the most massive ogrelike butcher you met so far. Pitty that you are in a handheld to receive a truly shock,but still impresses for it's design.

Gameplay 8/10: Using a combination of both Stylus and the D-Pad, the game makes a good mix of both, relying on the first to make the look on the surrondings and interact with your status window and the last for the walking/strafe/Shoot. It takes a bit time for starters to adapt, expecially given to the game circunstances. Dementium counts with a standard FPS arsenal of weapons that cames with pistols, shotguns, and feel more "no fictional" stuff that might please those who seek something "possible". There's some meachanisms and puzzles through the game that makes you need not only to use a good stylus interaction but also a memory to any details in the level that could help you pass throught locks and misteries as you go deeper in your "quest".

Replay 7/10: This is the only flaw that you can get for the title. The game is somehow short(you can finish it in less than 6 hours), also the enemies rooster is somewhat limited, as you face many of the same throught the first couple of levels untill it expands reasonable. Since is a linear story with no unlockable content neither multiplayer support you have to stick with the main plot that looks vague at first but soon as you manage to get the pieces together it becomes more clear and deep showing what's truly happening.

Overall 8,5/10: Dementium: The Ward is really an impressive game given the DS limitations, giving a decent linear story and good gameplay. Despite it lacks of extra content, still makes a great pick for those who seek to evade the "family friendly" DS clichè and plunging in something more mature and tense.