Don't believe what the reviews say!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dementium: The Ward DS
Dementium the Ward... A scary title for a little machine. It is scary, and does what few games do. Scares you. Many people think no no this schtuff ain't scary but you'd be surprised. The first time I heard, not saw, heard the banshees, i almost crapped myself. My advice is rent this bad boy and if you like it, buy it for the meager 5 bucks its selling for these days. And seriously, who doesn't want to pwn the frickin insano zombie in a wheelchair with a gattling cannon on his arm? That boss fight is totally worth it. Anywho, the story spans a path of a mad mans experiment and has many explanations for the ending. It has pretty cool graphics, but fails to deliver multiple enemies. Also, there are some parts in the story that just don't add up. Fortunately no cheesy resident evil lines here like i'm sorry but it appears that your party has been cancelled. In fact, no talking at all really. But sound is the key part in this game, and it packs a punch. Hearing those blasted worms before seeing them is pretty frightening and the half zombies are pretty gruesome. So please, read this, play the game, try to understand. The ending isn't self explanatory so you'll need to use that brain of yours to figure it out. I have, so can you.