A good survival horror game for the DS!

User Rating: 7.5 | Dementium: The Ward DS
Now when I first heard of this game I thought it was gonna suck because 1. It's a survival horror game on a Nintendo system 2. It's on the DS. But, I decided to give it a try and it turns out that the game is really good. The game starts you out getting rushed through a hospital full of creatures you'd see in Silent Hill game. The game-play focuses on using the touch screen to look around and to pretty much do everything, so if your looking for a game that really uses the stylus then this is one of them. For people who have played Doom 3 then this next part might piss you off. The big flaw in this game is the flashlight. See instead of just having a headlamp or a pocket light you have to hold the flashlight. This causes constant switching between flashlight and weapon, and since there isn't much light in this game to begin with it becomes quite annoying when your trying to see your surroundings while fighting. Also, I've decided that if your out of ammo that your better off running through a room and not fighting anything then you are trying to take them on with the nightstick. For whatever reason it's very difficult to hit a enemy with a melee attack until you get the electric buzz-saw. The game has a few puzzles that you would expect to see in a survival horror game so prepare to be challenged. All and all Dementium The Ward is a pretty good game and worth buying