You wake up in an abandoned hospital that feels...empty...

User Rating: 7.5 | Dementium: The Ward DS
This game reminded me of the old good days of FPS on the PC. It is especially true to compare it to Wolfenstein 3D. It is a maze shooter mostly, you can only go certain ways throughout the compound, no jumping or crouching (which is fine.) Most Levels consist of you trying to get from one story to the next, or cross the walkways to the other wing. Some have puzzles, but those happen very early on in the game.

First off, I don't have any issues with the control, I actually think it works great. I never used the R-button, only switched with the stylus. I works great and I can't wait for the next game that will be coming out with the same engine.

The Graphics are amazing, the game ran so fluid I was surprised when I first started playing. While the textures weren't ground breaking by modern standards, it had the same resolution (and reminded me of) as one of my all time favorites, "Blood" for the PC I especially enjoyed the lightning effects when near a window that would bring light to the whole room.

Switching between the flashlight and weapons in this game works better than in Doom 3, as the enemies are a bit slow in the game. So you have time.

And for those complaining about the save system, I just "Save and Quit" in the menu, and I would appear in the room I was previously in, I had no issue.

The major problem with this game, is the hospital is very devoid of variety: There are about 4 enemies that you can fight effectively, two which are common, and two which aren't seen much. Two enemies are a swarm of insects that can be avoided by running and are just annoying. As for weapons, There were too many different weapons for so few enemies, that I found myself only using 2-3 most of the time. This game could have been much better if they had a difficulty setting with more enemies.

The boss fights were boss fights, nothing spectacular, and two of them return so you use the same tactics over and over.

This game also could have been saved if it had more story related puzzles than were in the game with the action it had. again, most levels were just trying to get from one place to the other. While had a puzzle on a level, there was only the "Saw" chapter had a level wide puzzle, which made it a highlight.

I really enjoyed the game, but I feel genuinely sad that it could have been so much more. I like the story and hope that Renegade Kids will do a sequel soon. (and I can't wait for Moon now)