Amazing graphics for the DS but will it cover up all the negatives?

User Rating: 8 | Dementium: The Ward DS
Dementium is the smoothest FPS on the DS (60 frames per sec). The controls are great. They are highly simple. I have had no trouble getting to know the controls. You wake up in a hospital and its currently abandoned filled with monsters...not really a good story but anyway.. Enemies are as Follows, Zombies, Poison Zombies, Beetles, Flying beetles, Angry Screaming Flying Hornet Clowns (THESE GUYS SUCK!!), and torso zombies (poison). Since your in a hospital HEALTH is EVERYWHERE. But anyway.. the game is very very easy once you get the buzz saw. But of course it took a huge load of walking around ( It sounds like he runs but.. he moves so damn slow ) and exploring to get it.

The Bosses are just like Metroid Prime hunters.. well 2 of them are.
the Cleaver and the Wheelchair Gunner.

Both are much more harder bosses than they are at first.

One thing about the fighting is that.. using the nightstick or buzz saw can be a pain because you cant tell where your actually hitting...

Overall Dementium is a Must buy for FPS fans/ Horror fans. 8/10

please mind my grammar. its 1 50 in the morning.