There is no excitement on this game.

User Rating: 2.4 | Delta Force: Xtreme PC
What we really need is game well done and well put together, not more mediocre, remade and incomplete titles (bugs), such examples like DFX from Novalogic,BP from the shamely sinking Atari and many others. DFX is just another penny in the neck title with nothing to offer except for its price tag, no story, light cheap graphics and rather quickly death motion animations, with some what i call midi sound and that's not all of it. When you play a FPS you focus on the graphical detail of the weapons, weapons sound, recoil and many other things. Many games have succeed on this aspect not to perfection but yet brings lots of excitement and taste for the eyes, ears and gameplay, unlike Novalogic's franchise thats makes no sense and when shooting a terrorist with an m-16 grenade launcher that wont miss for anything in the entire world, there is no joy in that, too easy, to fake. For me the only game that raised me the approval was SOF franchise.