Ummm... Hard to describe

User Rating: 7 | Def Jam: Icon PS3
When I got this game I was excited. It was fun at first but then It started to get boring. I haven't played that game a little bit over a year. I still pick it up from time to time just to fool around with it but it's not really worth buying though. I'd try to avoid this thing.

It's the kind of game that you would play when you get bored. You'll play it for like 20 minutes or less then you'll put it away and let it collect dust again and you won't play it for months. The game gets boring guickly and if you buy this game (OWN IT) you'll definitely regret it. I know I did.

You'll be like hey this game is pretty good then the next thing you know you'll be saying this game sucks, I don't know why I bought it and then you'll say you like it again and so on.

You do the same thing over and over again. All you do is just fight. I know it's a fighting game but it would've been nice to have a little mini game so that way you can take a break from the story... AND ALL THAT FIGHTING.

The story seems like DJ got that Idea from a movie. A man from the hood fights (litterally) his way to the top. I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone. But If you want to try it, then this game is screaming RENT ME! RENT ME! But if you find it Maybe $10 used at GameStop then you can get it if you want to but this game isn't even worth $20.

This game gets an overrall score of 7.0.