For as fun as its predecessors in the series are, this game is the exact opposite.

User Rating: 4 | Def Jam: Icon X360
I had extremely high hopes for this game. I came in thinking that if it could match how over the top fun as the other Def Jam games, then this would be my favorite fighter on the system. I was pleased that I could customize my character, but was disappointed to find that the character did not resemble me as much as Fight for New York. I wish that they had kept intact the voice selection that they had on the previous game. There seems to be less to buy and that is disappointing.

The fighting system somewhat stinks, because now it doesn't require as much grappling and high-flying jumps, but combos mixed with music. Also, simply flipping away from your opponent can makes you invulnerable to attacks and the same goes for the computer. The actual fighting doesn't matter as much as getting your opponent into a hazard. Even though it is on the 360, there seems to be less to this game than its previous incarnation.

I hope that if they decide to revive this series, they go back to the wrestling style and ditch the crappy music combos.