Beautiful Disaster

User Rating: 7.5 | Def Jam: Icon X360
This is officially the last game im planning on purchasing for my 360. I move through games far too quickly and with a $60 price tag for games nowadays, I cant afford to keep up, and thus im getting into gamefly. So far the biggest thing to stand out on this game to me is the graphics. They are truley gorgeous. Im not all the way through the game yet but so far it seems relatively long.

One complaint I do have is the lackluster controls, most matches can be won simply by hitting into the interactive environments. The simple high, low, weak, strong, scheme seems a bit dated for todays standard but I suppose it does take a little technique. For the most part everybody is the same but a couple minor differences set them apart .

There were alot of people I expected to return that never did though. I havent unlocked everyone yet but I know for sure most of the non def jam characters arent back. Which is really kind of a let down because I loved playing as Henry Rollins and Snoop dog in the last iteration.

Honestly Im going to say rent it first and see if its your cup of tea, because ive only had the game for a day and im sort of bored already. The demo doesnt do much along the lines of showing you the true nature of the game but if youre a fan of a large cast than this is right up your alley.