I mean, at least the game LOOKS good. (I guess they forgot people would be PLAYING the game.)

User Rating: 3 | Def Jam: Icon X360
Well I mean, To start off I'm pretty picky about fighting games in the first place, if it isn't done extremely well, I'll probably think it sucks.


There is some good graphics here. I mean some of the scenes where your fighting in a club just have wonderful effects, light shading, and overall setting the mood or tone for the area.

There is also good music, I mean that should be a given though, if this game was AWESOME but for some un-known reason had horrible music in it, I would give it a 1. Music is the entire point of the game.

The game does revolve around music which is only a small plus, because in the end That might be it's downfall as well.


The game just gets SO OLD!, I mean I was so bored after about 10 fights, It just throws some idiotic story in your face for why your about to fight a guy, and then you fight him.

The game threw in a little thing to make your own record company and sign people to your own label. but that was so stupid. Before you kow it, your FILTHY rich and the only thing you have to spend it on besides the Record label, are CLOTHES. You can't get new fighting moves, Car's, ANYTHING.

Now the game-play is just the worst part about the game. To start off with, all these special things you can do like when the music hits a high note and makes things explode in the game, you can't do anything but get lucky to use that against your foe, and 75% of the time you end up being the one getting hurt by it. Next off there is this thing called scratching, which might have been cool, but in NO WAY AT ALL do they tell you how to do it! I mean you just have to COMPLETELY GUESS at what you are doing. So that becomes pretty worthless and pointless right from the start. Next off the overall combat is just SO repetitive with relatively no combo system worth mentioning and boring light and strong attacks. I mean theres a few things you can learn as you go, but you still just push a button to do it. pretty ridiculous if you ask me.


This game just has nothing to offer, unless your a little kid maybe.