This game used to be RUFFNECK!

User Rating: 5.5 | Def Jam: Icon PS3
Oh my......

So enter Def Jam Icon and what do you get, pretty shiny graphics, but boring lackluster gameplay.

Yes, it looks like more realistic fighting, but then again, the reason why all of us felt in love with Def Jam Fight4NY and Vendetta was the over the top theatrics of the fighting moves...specially the finishing moves.
On this game, all that bravado has been tooken out, and replaced by enviormental attacks?? and you get this done by mimmicking the turntable scratchin' movement??? how can something like that, replace the FatJoe's punishing Backbreaker special move on DJF4NY?? come on!! who the heck thought of this?!

On regards to the story, everyone says it's good and all...well i say it's bogus. Man, if they kept the same storyline or something that had relation with the past 2 games, THEN the story would have been good. This stuff about doing your own label and having to fist fight to get someones record's just stupid dude! Helping Ludacris beat the crap of a papparazzi in the middle of disco???? man whoever came up with this actually didn't play the last 2 games in which Luda was all about karate chopping the heck out his enemies....3 years down the road and he cannot backdrop a paparrazzi??

The clothing and the bling is there...but in the end that was expected, nothing great about that.

So in the end, the only coolness i could witness so far, was the graphics. Besides that, everything else lacks. Win a fight, lose a fight, win money, don't win the end you won't care.

This game has put a little bit of dirt on the Def Jam series...hope they make a fourth one, so they can clean the filth out of the bling.