Great Bang for your Buck

User Rating: 9 | DeathSpank PS3
If you've never downloaded a full DLC game before (like me when I downloaded this) then this is the game for you. I've paid a lot more money for a lot worse games over the years. It was funny, immersive and the combat was simple and fun. There is also massive selection of armor and weapons to upgrade.
Don't let the look of the game fool you, the humor is not really childish but is actually witty and clever. The one problem I had with Deathspank was the grinding at some points. It was a bit annoying having to work so hard to get your level up so you can defeat bosses and access new areas. That can also lead to the combat to get to get repetitive. But if you stick with it the game will give you new and more interesting places and enemies to fight.

Bored but don't wanna spend the money on a new title? Get Deathspank, you won't regret it.

P.S-I can't get the music from the opening menu out of my head