Deadpool delivers what you read in the comics

User Rating: 8.5 | Deadpool PS3
I normally don't review games but I thought Deadpool deserves it considering the bad reviews from the "professionals". This game is pretty good if you're looking for gratuitous violence and innuendo, which is exactly what I expected from the Merc with a Mouth. The action is pretty fluid and fast paced. The jokes are pretty good and there were a few times I was shocked into laughter. This game is Looney Tunes + ultra violence. The combat scenes were extensive and varied and there was very little repetition. There were waves upon waves of enemies that come at you and in combinations that made it truly challenging. There were a few camera issues where it made it difficult to see your way past a mob of henchmen cornering you. This could have been resolved with a snap camera mechanic by clicking one of the analog sticks but *shrug* it wasn't that big of a deal. There were a few game balance issues with certain henchmen dealing damage too quickly and killing you. The real problem with this is that it slowed down the gameplay and you had to rework the usual gameplay style which is normally quite fast. I had to back out a bit and draw them into a more manageable situation. Overall, this was money well spent on opening day. I know a lot of people will probably wait for the price to drop down to $30 or $20 and I got no problem with that. Just make sure you buy the game so that the developers, High Moon, can crank out another one. And I do hope they make a sequel.