for the cultists only.

User Rating: 1 | Red Seeds Profile X360
Ahh, Deadly Premonition. i followed this game through development, severley excited by the games synopsis. with all the features on this game that are rarely or even never seen in a game, i was intrigued, things such as 'facial hair growing in game time' and 'zombies which walk backwords and upside down and force feed you their fist!'. sounded awesome. after all, graphics or gameplay? thats what i thought when i seen it in development. 'the graphics look awful, but its the gameplay that counts.' the graphics are like ps2/gamecube. awful for a 2010 game. the gameplay is even worse! broken controls, broken shooting camera, awful driving mechanics, repetetiveness beyond relief, same zombies with the same actions; the list goes on and on and on... Now to the audio! as the old saying goes '2 wrongs don't make a right' it could never be more true here. the thing that really bugs me about this game is, the audio. that is the straw the breaks the camels back for me. inappropiate jazz style music in serious cut scenes, awful soundtrack, bad sound effects. it makes me rage. mute the TV if i were you, it will truly ruin the experience. The story could have been a starting point for a great game, but it's really not worth playing the game for the story. the cheesy audio, cutscenes, gameplay, awful everything will try and get in the way, and it does successfully. this game is a cultists 7th heaven. but for anyone with a true taste and sense in gaming, avoid this at all costs.
