Horrible graphics are perfectly offset by an incredible terror adventure game

User Rating: 9 | Red Seeds Profile X360
I bought this game because it won the best game nobody play in some game websites.

When I first played this game, I almost stopped playing it due to it has the worst graphics this generation, It looks like a PS2 game or even worst. No special effects at all.

Since you go through the story to get progresivelly hooked till you can stop playing it... My pure recomendation is to give it a try and not stop till you complete the first act at least.

This game took me 20 hours to beat it on easy difficulty.

I did not do any side quest, nor collected the cards. I really enjoyed going through the main story. The ending was excellent, one of the best I've seen.

Graphics and control (gameplay) are incredible bad. However, it is offset by incredible story and wellperformed dealoge and character.

Thanks for reading.