Original (in a good way)

User Rating: 7.5 | Deadly Creatures WII
I heard about this game over the net and thought " hmmm sounds interesting"
so i bought it and i was quite surprised because i can honestly say i have never played anything like this before.. EVER!
You alternate between a scorpion and the mother of all spiders as you progress through the game and each one has its own unique characteristics.. i personaly prefer the spider as it is faster and shoots its web at other bugs.
You would`nt think that being an insect that there would be much of a story but there is, as you progress through the game you coinsidently end up over hearing 2 humans digging for gold (random).
Graphically the game is well polished and the size of the levels are quite big (not too sure if they look big because your a bug?) but overall it is a good game, the only fault i could really see was the camera angles, sometimes as you go through a hole in the ground the camera would not know what way you were going.
Some sections of the levels need a little working out as it sometimes is not clear what way you need to be going.
As you go through the game you will unlock new combat skills like a venomous bite or web shot, you also have to find as many specific types of bugs you can to unlock new content or to boost your health.
Just do not buy the game if you hate bugs! lol