The Good, the Bad and the Ugly...this game has all three!

User Rating: 7.5 | Deadly Creatures WII
Deadly Creatures is, for the most part, a great game. Unfortunately, a few flaws have stopped this from becoming a near-perfect experience.

Looks and Sounds: 8/10

For a Wii game, Deadly Creatures looks fantastic. When playing the Tarantula, you can actually see each individual hair on its legs waving as it moves. The environments are hugely detailed considering their size, though the textures are occaisionally bland. Unfortunately, a few of the enemy models are a bit pixellated and the two humans look a little cartoony, a style which is at odds with the realistic arachnids. The soundtrack is subdued, but fits well to the action and Hopper and Thornton play their parts well, though their role has been very much exaggerated by the hype.

Gameplay: 7/10

Deadly Creatures uses a mix of buttons and waggling, which fits very well together. Rather than feeling tacked-on, swinging the remote down as you stab a rat in the brain will bring some real satisfaction. The only complaint I have with the controls is that the motion control for the Nunchuk didn't always register, though the Wiimote worked fine. Combat is very well done in the game, with enemies being neither too hard nor too easy. Battles are also very well spaced, meaning that you will never find yourself mindlessly slogging through legions of beetles, though you will get plenty of chances to murder some innocent bugs. Combat is also kept fresh by a variety of moves, which are unlocked periodically by earning points, which are gained by killing enemies and completing "Adventure Goals". The real downside to the game is that is was simply too short, as I completed the adventure mode in 8-10 hours, even though I wasn't rushing. Once you've completed the main story, there's no multiplayer to keep you coming back and the only reason to go back to the story is to collect all of the grubs and leaf crickets. Nevertheless, its certainly a fun game to replay occasionally, if only for the gory pleasure of ripping a wasp's wings clean off its body.

Plot and other random bits: 7.5/10

The plot of this game is disjointed, to say the least. As far as the tarantula and the scorpion are concerned, the plot is virtually non-existant, apart from a rattlesnake that has a bit of a grudge with the spider, for some reason (Possibly that the first time you meet, the snake ends up charging into a cactus. Three times). However, when the humans become involved, a sinister, if basic, plot of lost treasure and murder unfolds. The ending, despite what is said by many reviewers, is not anti-climactic, though the ending cinematic plays through a weird filter, which ruins the impact when the rivals meet for a final time, but part amicably, rather than trying to stab each other in the brain with stingers. Finally, the entire concept behind this game ensured it was always going to be a success. Something this unique is just so odd that to ignore it is a crime.

My advice? Buy it, but either second-hand or from :D Its half price.