While the game has it's fair share of flaws, it succeeds in the FUN category

User Rating: 8 | Deadly Creatures WII
When I bought my Wii at launch, I envisioned a system with some unique third-party titles, something the Gamecube lacked. Two and a half years later, the strengths of the system are once again Nintendo first-party games. Yeah the Mario's and the Zelda's are fun, but I want something different, like "No More Heroes" and "World of Goo," which are both great mind you! Now we have another game, this time by THQ, which is the subject of this review.
The objective of DC is to play through the game as a tarantula and a scorpion and overcome the kind of challenges that would come from being such small, yet menacing, arachnids. This game reminds me of another on the original Playstation known simply as "Spider: The Video Game." I never had an opportunity to play that game, but I can imagine DC being similar to it. You alternate between the tarantula and the scorpion after each level, and both have different abilities. The tarantula is quick and can jump, but the scorpion is stronger and can block. Playing as both is entertaining, but getting into combat with other animals can get a little frustrating since the controls aren't always responsive.
Graphically, DC is not much of a looker. But the creature models are good and the terrific level design only helps to make you feel like you are living in their world. Unfortunately, the game's frame rate is a little choppy at times and it even has to load when you get to a certain point of each level, which kinda kills the flow. But where the game really shines is with it's use of music and lighting. While you can't consider DC a survival horror by normal conventions, the game is quite creepy and the sounds only help to put you in that atmosphere of uncertainty when trying to traverse the game's many landscapes.
The game is very short if you want to beat it straight through. But I recommend trying to collect all the bonus items to add longevity since it doesn't have multiplayer, which is almost understandable cause multiplayer may not be that great in a game like this. But the thing I love about DC is that it is different and gives Wii owners something out of the norm. It's a good game that you should enjoy given that you don't expect too much from it. We need more of these titles and I hope that originality becomes an important factor when developing video games in the future.