The most unique game of this year!!

User Rating: 9 | Deadly Creatures WII
Deadly Creatures is the most unique and amazing game to come to this console this year. Sure this game has its ups and down but the end product makes you proud of yourself for buying this game.

Deadly Creatures story is about 2 humans trying to look for gold in the desert and is told through the view of the 2 of the most feared, creepy bugs; A Scorpion and a Tarantula.

Graphics of the game are the shine of the game. The textures are so detailed and thanks to motion capture, the creatures look highly detailed.

Sound of this game is just as creepy as the game which in this case is good thing. The voice acting is implemented very well and the mood of the game is captured through the music.

Camera is not always perfect in this game. The story is also really short which will take about 10 hours to complete by most of you. But it will make you all play this game at least twice or thrice.

Overall this game is a must have game for the Wii. Everything is excellent except for the camera and the short story but that can be overlooked as this is the Game of the Month for me!