Unrealistic, totally outrageous and absolutely Awsome!

User Rating: 8 | Deadly Creatures WII
Deadly creatures is the most brutal action game with bugs that I have ever played, and anyone with a wii should check it out.

The game puts you in the skins of a tarantula and a scorpion. You will play as both of them as you crawl though a sort of underworld that hasn't been seen by human eyes. You will fight other creepy-crawlies, ranging from other insects to small mammals and other kinds of creatures. Combat is a mixture of button mashing and swinging the wiimote, but you can also just swing the wiimote for slower but more powerful attacks. You do, however, have to earn these abilities, but that isn't much of a problem.

Since both of them play differently, let's look at both of them individually.

The tarantula is a more agile character, his powers include being able to spit web at his enemies' faces, he can also jump and crawl on walls and, while he's doing that, he can swing on webs. You can also go into a first-person view and when you do, you may notice that the targeting icon is ripped right off Predator! At first I was like "Wha ...?", but then I thought, how literal this is, I'm playing a deadly predator who jumps around and kills its prey with no remorse.

The scorpion is more combat heavy, in fact he is a heavy, he controls a lot differently than the tarantula, but he's still fun to play. He starts off with a three-hit combo and he can also do stuff like tail strike and dig holes to progress. But where his gameplay shines is in his cinematic finishes that you can pull of when you do enough damage to an enemy, you press the C button and then you move the wiimote and nunchuck in the correct way for really gruesome kills. The scorpion is badass! You could compare this to scorpion from Mortal Kombat, "Scorpion wins ... BUGALLITY!"

This is a fun game for anyone who is interested in the action genre, but i have to admit it has its flaws, for one thing it's a little too short. If you're on easy difficulty, you will breeze though the game, which is why i recommend playing it on normal difficulty. There also aren't that many bosses, which is a shame since these bosses are actually quite good.

Even so, this a fun game and it feels like the beginning of a new franchise, and I for one would really like to see a sequel. Check it out when you get the chance.