If you're looking for blood, an incredibly difficult challenge and monotonous hack and slash actions, then buy this game

User Rating: 6.5 | Deadliest Warrior: The Game X360
At first I was all hyped up for this game but then I bought it. That was my first mistake. It turned out to be incredibly boring, incredibly difficult and incredibly aggravating. Not the the incredible I was looking for. The actual game mechanics are relatively solid and the graphics are good for an arcade game. However, the actual gameplay gets boring after a short while. It is a button mashing game, except you have to actually time your mashes incredibly well, or else they won't work. As well, you will be interrupted by the guy you are killing. The only time you can really pull these combos off is in practice mode. The characters themselves all seem to be able to kick your ass, until you pick them. The one character I have managed to beat the game on deadliest difficulty (this is the hardest difficulty) is the knight. The knight can take and give a beating, making him a good choice for fighting any type of enemy. his weapons are well balanced between fast and powerful and his ranged weapon is quite strong. The knight and samurai are comparable characters. I would compare the centurion to the spartan, the ninja to the apache, and the viking to the pirate. Ninjas and apaches are extremely quick but they have no armor, so you have to dodge alot. The pirate is also a little weak in the armor department, but is able to dish out massive amounts of damage. The samurai is the most useless in my opinion, as he has no shield to block with, is too heavily armored to dodge, is quite weak, and is pretty slow. The viking is strong with armor comparable to the samurai's, except he has a shield. He can also deal plenty of damage but has a weak ranged attack. The centurion also have a weak ranged attack but is solid on defense and solid on attack. The most technical fighter, next to the spartan. The spartan has a big shield that is nearly impenetrable, and has a spear for stabbing you from behind his shield. Also a great warrior, except if you can dodge around him and hit him from behind, with either the apache or ninja. You can unlock alternate weapons for short, mid and ranged weapons, as well as alternate armors for all characters. You can also change the armors color. The combat itself is extremely frustrating, especially fighting enemies that have armor, like knights, who also have a long ranged weapon like a halberd. They can take your ranged attack since they can't dodge, and then can absolutely own you with the poleaxe when you fight hand to hand. They are fast and can deliver seemingly unblockable deadly combos. There are also some really dumb ways to die, such as taking a ranged weapon in the face at the beginning of the round. Shields are next to useless for blocking melee attacks, but are useful for ranged attacks. Mid ranged weapons are crappy when you use them, but devastating in an enemies hands. Ranged weapons are great against unarmored foes, if you can hit them.

All in all this game is frustrating, repetitive, extremely difficult and holds none of the excitement of the show. Add crippled combat, a disappointing cast of characters and absolutely mind numbing gameplay and you have the crux of deadliest warriors problems. The only good things this game boasts are good graphics, avatar awards and decapitation, as well as severing of limbs