Somewhat interesting Max Payne rip-off with some cool additions, but the difficlty can ruin the game for alot of people.

User Rating: 7 | Dead to Rights XBOX
DTR is basically a blatant Max Payne rip off with its duel weapon wielding and its bullet time features. DTR certainly has a couple really god idea's but never lets you get that far thanks to extremely punishing difficulty.

You play all aorund crooked K-9 cop Jack S;ate, who instead of doing things by the numbers and making arrests decides it is much better to just kill every single criminal he comes across. Its not a terribly origonal formula but t does has realistic consequences. Without giving anything major away, after a little while Jacks random massacres land him on deatth rrow. Of coarse Jack must continue to go after some bad guy who supposidly set him up, though I think the body count is already enough to warrent the death penalty for our seriously corrupt cop.

The gameplay is very much like Max Payne's style giving you the ability to go into bullet time to help you plast enemies with more percision. You can duel wield a few of the weapons, which looks quite cool but saps you of ammo real fast. Speaking of ammunition, there really isn't any in DTR. Like in all your B action flicks Jack will just toss a gun with a depleted clip off to the side and whip out another mechanisam of death from a small pocket in his uniform, or whatever he's wearing. So basically you cannot hold onto a really good gun, once its out of ammo, its useless. It doesn't seem too bad ubtil you find a really good gun you dn't come across very often and in seconds you just have to toss it. Bad thinking. Your most reliable and only reloadable weapon is your K-9 parter Shaodw. Now I love dogs, so I always thought this was a very innovative feature and possibly saved the game by keeping its legacy as the only K-9 Cop game.

The graphics seem pretty dated because DTR has been in production so long it was origonally intended to be a PSone game. Thus, the game is still left with PSone graphics... PS ONE GRAPHICS ON A FRIGGIN XBOX!!! WTF!!?? Im sorry, its just not right, the Xbox if far more powerful and DTR does absolutly nothing to show off its capabilities.

The sounds of gunfire mix well with the backround music that is comprised of Industrial rock that backs up the carnage. Some in game enemy voices can be very annoying but don't pop up too often, not like in DTR II.

DTR actually has avery good storyline, one I did not get to fully experiance thanks to over the tp difficulty that may leave many stuck on the same damn section for months at a time. Sorry Namco, but if your gonna include a great story, the game has to be beatable. Major props for all the innovative qualities this game has to offer, its just the difficulty kind of kills everything good.