A Throwback to the old days

User Rating: 5 | Dead to Rights XBOX
Fifteen or twenty years ago, this game would have been in arcades across this country, and would be referred to as a quarter eater. Okay maybe I am stretching it. That is what me and my friends called games like this. Basically you and your faithfull dog are taking down enemies as you run through different sets and settings. Many times it feels as if you are on rails. Kind of like Silent Scope ( for those of you who have played that one.
It is a simple game play that keeps your interest for a couple of levels until the weakness of the story begins to show, and you realize that you have just shot the 400th bad guy wearing the same stupid shirt. What makes this difficult is the try until you succeed fashion of the levels. If you die, many times you have to go back to the beginning. Or at least so far back in the level you begin to feel disheartened.
The graphics are just okay, for the last generation. That is to say they are bad by todays standards, yet they are passable. while I can not recommend this game with a clear conscience, I can say there is some promise to the series opening game.