Left for dead

User Rating: 6.8 | Dead to Rights PS2
This game plays like your typical B-movie.
With the lead characters voice being as boring and lifeless as you will get in a game. Luckily the game is unexpectedly enjoyable to a certain extent. It borrows (or steals) many gameplay elements from other titles, Max Payne being the obvious choice. As you can dive through the air and shoot guns in a bullet time fashion also similar to that of The Matrix.
But here you are given a trusty side kick and is a wise choice as this element of play breaks up from the repetitive gameplay. You dog (shadow) can be sent to retrieve enemies guns when they have been shot or defuse bombs or even jump up on a foe with a lethal attack.

The gameplay dynamics work rather well actually making gameplay easy if similar to other games of this genre. The graphics are considered outdated now and were also when the game first arrived however they are competent if nothing special. The game can be hard at times, mainly some boss fights but Dead to rights is an addictive game if a little flat.

Another take on the game is the combat which you can stick to if your weapons have run dry, this works well also but limited in variety.