User Rating: 6.8 | Dead to Rights PC
My score for this game came out to be 6.8. In words, it translates to average yet enjoyable. It is never boring to the point of being tedious. But at the end of the day, you can't help but wishing for more, or simply better. I'll say this, though. Dead to Rights has so much potential it's scary. There are "disarm" moves, where when used, the game skips to an unbelievably cool cutscene showing Jack disarming the opponent in the most vicious ways imaginable. The entire play mechanic is odd and definitely needs more refinement. However, it is just so damn fun that you'll find yourself going back at it again and again even though you'll barely ever need to use it. Human shields are indispensable, though. And they are another mechanic that truly shines. Although these 2 ideas are conceptually brilliant, the rest of Dead to Rights is so flawed that the game never quite reaches that "wow" factor that pushes it to that above average status. The graphics aren't impressive, although the character modeling is what the player will be focusing on. Even then, close ups of some characters are a joke. On a positive note, the moves on the characters, whether on Jack Slate or his ennemies, are satisfying enough to make you want to repeat them. Disarm moves, death animations, human shields, etc...All great. The sound effects are absolutely great. Gunshots, bullets wizzing by, hitting crates, walls, etc...Good stuff. Music does the job, no more, no less. Voice acting? Let's just say I hated a character's acting so much that I was seriously *extremely* glad he/she got killed. Gamespot's review said it best, it's hit or miss. However, when it hits, it's just fine. When it misses, it misses hard. Bullet-time is pretty much a joke. It can have its moments, but there is no 360 degrees rotation, so if you dive in the wrong angle, try again. In crucial moments, this mistake is deadly. Also, opponents fire at the same rate as you do. So if you dive in front of 3 ennemies with rifles, by the time you're done getting rid of the first one, the other 2 have already slaughtered you twice. The mini-games are not frustrating, thank God. They can even be fun. The hand-to-hand combat is fun too, and boss battles are unique and entertaining (if you use your brain and figure out how to defeat them on time). The level design can sometimes make it almost annoying to know what to do or where to go, since there is no jumping option. But then again, these are all minor quibbles anyway, I could spend all day finding some for any game. In any case, all in all, it's a good game. And contrary to popular belief, this game *is* very similar to Max Payne, if not in gameplay mechanics, then definitely very much in style and story. And it's no wonder which is the best game of these two.