User Rating: 5 | Dead to Rights XBOX
This game could have been great. But it was'nt. i've been playing games since the atari 2600, and this is by far the hardest i've played to date. I'm not to picky when it comes to graphics, as long as the game is worth playing. But garbage controls + pop-up enemies + plus an action hero who gets dropped like a number two used wet wipe every five seconds= crap. True the camera is shot, but to me it reminds me of another of my least favorite overated games, GTA3 or Vice City.I forced myself to beat it, now i can go beat Elder Scrolls a THIRD time. This game here gets no replay, unless i'm showing of the good parts to a friend. I'm not too mad though, i got my copy for $9.99. Bottom line, RENT IT! It's not that bad. But far from good.