illogic !! ill...illl..illogicc..!!

User Rating: 6 | Dead Space (2008) PC
1. First the name of the game DEAD SPACE is weird for a horror game..u know space is already dead and empty dead space is realy a scaryy name,heh, i wonder if they will make a Dead space 2.. OMG!!plz.. begin with changing the name..

2. prologue: thats great u begin in a spaceship why no one knows..the main character is someone wearing METAL hhh....

3. Gameplay : thats what makes this game .sryyy STUPID..!! The weapons are weird Who created those thingss..moving,aiming, camera oh hell.. m realy sorry bu that's a truth..because i played a lot games as resident evil ,Fallout ,i m talking gameplay..they made what we need to play simply and easily..with Logic weapons..not neccassary real weapons But they are at least Logic..!!

4. Main Character: He is annoying , i realy hate the main character of the game ..usually we should like the main character ..but in this game he made me sick...His sound when he is wounded ooooh,ill,,i dnt know if they made that sound to make us feel SCARY hhh nooo THAT IS A WEAK POINT FOR HORROR GAME..when we play we should feel the horror NOT CREATE THE HORROR...and wht abt the or the map...why ?? who makes such a map....PLZ BE is good to have a new technique for the inventory and etc..but not to everything ...the map should be made to ease up our positions..but THAT MAP CONFUSED ME...

5. Rating: 7 as maximumm,,,do not deserve 9 by anyway..

6. Conclusion : i hope you will understand what i wrote .i know they are harsh..but they are really helpful if the problems are solved later ..hope to take this into consideration....