This is the new Bio Shock, it's the game that nobody saw coming, this is the new Resident Evil and it's the true...

User Rating: 10 | Dead Space PS3
This is the new Bio Shock, it's the game that nobody saw coming, this is the new Resident Evil and it's the true leader so far in the "survival horror" category. (Next Gen)

Graphics are awesome, the texture looks great, in-game texts are easy to read, lighting effect really gives you a realistic sense to the game. You really feel aboard the USG Ishimura

Animations are fluid and the way the game is presented is very original, no cut scenes, you get right into the game and stick with it.. Very immersive. And this game is just plain deadly fun, the most important factor of all.

There is already 2 Downloadable suits on the PSN and we all hope more DLC is coming our way, great way to start a wonderfull franchise in my oppinion, right now the crown for Sci-Fi/Horror-survival game is easily attributed to Dead Space.

This is worth a 10/10 in my book! A must buy for Christmas.