I love this game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space X360
Something made me go out and get this game first day it was out, which is something I rarey do and it was such a great decision. This game reminds me of Doom 3 and Alien. It's got alot of original elements to that make it an awesome horror game... it plays like a movie though and if horror is your genre in gaming, get this.
The Sound is great, I got scared when creeping down a long dark lonely corridor and I bumped into a canister... The voice acting is first rate too.
The story is original and the script is very well done.
Lasts years horror game was BioShock, this years ought to be Dead Space.
The visuals are very good, the monsters are grotesque... I even had one flip me the bird after I killed it... See the posted picture in my blog for proof, just `cause it's damn funny.
Get this game if you liked Doom 3 or Alien the movie or even if you like lurking about creepy space stations.