Dead Space delivers on all of its promises and more

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space PS3
Dead Space is one of the best survival/horror games in a long time. The revolutionary "no hud" and no pause game play make the player feel that much more immersed in the game. Work benches that can be used to modify weapons and your suit are a welcome add in to the game and add a level of customization similar to the KOTOR series. In some more open leveled games such as Dead Space and Bioshock it can be disorienting so the addition of a "breadcrumb trail" ie. Fable 2 makes finding your next objective relatively stress free. Before i played Dead Space i feared that it like many other games would not live up to its reputation. After the opening cut scene ended however all of my doubts were forgotten and the action took-off. All in all this game feels much longer than the recent Silent Hill Homecoming and is absolutely worth picking up for any fans of the genre.