This game came free by buying Dead Space 2. However, this is a like a complete game stand alone.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Space: Extraction PS3
It was not my intention on playing this game. It came free by buying Dead Space 2. As I have Playstation Move, I gave it try. So... let me say that... the game hooked me since very beginning.

This game takes advantage of Move very well. I was a little exceptical about playing game with Move. However, this game made me change my mind.

Beside, the gameplay that I liked. There is something better than that: the story.

The game is placed before Dead space 1 events. Personally, I liked how the story is developed, fit very well in the overall.

It is not as long as Dead Space 1, however, it is long enough by being horror game. I think that horror game should not be long.

I gave it 8.5 and not higher due to the game is not scary at all. I would have liked to be scared every second of the game. However, it is not as bad in this sense.

Dead Space Extraction is set most of the time in Ishimura, which will remind you Dead Space 1.

Now, I will play Dead Space 2. I have high hopes about this game. I will write my review as soon I beat it.

Thanks for reading.