An entertaining twist in the Dead Space Universe

User Rating: 7 | Dead Space: Extraction WII
I wasn't suire what to expect with this game since GS gave it a high rating and the original Dead Space was such a great game. But I figured I would give it a shot and see how it went.

The game is an on-rails shooter,which means you don't move the character, just aim the weapons and listen as the story unfolds around you. Each character you control will have the same types of weapons, all also found in the original game as well. The big bonus is the rivet gun which has unlimited ammo so you dont have to worry too much about scrounging for new weapons or complain if you missed an ammo pick-up. In the first person view, the camera will move around just like any human would, looking for items and weapons and of course enemies to shoot or avoid. Sometimes you have time to snatch items and sometimes the camera moves too fast. But this is not overly bad as it makes you constantly be alert to look around the screen.

The battles are pretty straight forward, pick apart your enemies by shooting their limbs and using items to throw at them. It's easy to aim as most enemies ae slow moving and the faster ones will sometime pause before a strike, giving you time to aim. If you played the first game you will already know most enemy weakneses so fighting will be easy. The end of the game however will test your aiming abilities as they start to swarm in large packs with little room for error. The best way I found was to shoot their legs out first, which sows them down dramatically, then work on their arms or start going for other enemies. Boss battles were eacy to figure out and if you couldn't, the game told you how to win with on screen prompts. This is the Wii so helpful hints were everywhere.

The environment was beautiful and really brought back the feel of the original game. Dark hallways and familiar rooms were very detailed. Even the introduction of the glow sticks were a nice touch. Basically, the game always had you doing something to keep you involved. This was definately not a boring game. Each turn resulted in something jumping at you or secret rooms with weapons and ammo.

Overall a very nice and action packed game but here are the cons. Story was a little blah and even with a variety of weapons, most were never used. Ammo was plenty but the unlimited gun was the best choice. The melee weapon was also useless except to break through sticky walls. 10 chapters but somehow still felt a little short to me.