Another light gun game! Dead Space is a terrific horror franchise, and DSE is a sweet adition to that, but its so short!

User Rating: 7 | Dead Space: Extraction WII
DSE will remind you of Doom 3 in terms of scares, but it has so little content that it doesn't even justify the time you spent playing. Replay value is virtually zero, aside from some very limited track junctions placed a few times throught the game. The graphics are what you could expect from an advanced gamecube, but because the game is an guided experience, it does have some sweet-looking moments. Especially the silence of zero-g, and a view out over space can be captivating.

The story is interesting, but you know right away who is going to die, when a NPC is suddenly involved in the plot, not counting the main cast of course. At leased you won't be bothered with bad voice actiong, as the voices are well performed. Maybe they should be when that is where most of the story is told.
The controls aren't hard, but I found that using the alt-fire on the weapons was annoying, because it was hard to keep aiming at the same enemy while twisting the wiimote. The aiming is generally very sensitive, even on low setting. (In game)

Bottom line is that there is one good play through, but nothing more than that.