Dead Space 3 Review

User Rating: 8 | Dead Space 3 X360
Dead Space 3 is the finale of the sci-fi horror franchise. First i thought it would have that creepy atmosphere like the one in Dead Space 2 it was almost like a horror movie... a good horror movie, but when it comes to Dead Space 3 you would enjoy the gameplay 100% but you won't have that creepy moments that would keep you on the edge of you seat but it has quite a good story which sucks you in and makes you curious but sometimes there are some predictable moments in game which will let you down but on the bright side there are some moments that let's you need to go on playing to find out what would happen next one of the best things about this game is the multiplayer mode that lets you play as john carver which will have its special moments too and i must say that the blueprint and weapon creating benchs is a one of the greates things about Dead Space 3 it might not be the best sci-fi game you will ever play but if you are a fan of the series then its worth a shot and if you aren't then if you have some money and would like to spend it on something ''Good'' then you can go for it

Tau Volantis is a well designed planet and the characters look Good

While Fighting those crazy Necromorphs the last thing you will care about is the Soundtrack

The Good Old Dead Space gameplay style only you with your beloved '' Plasma Cutter'' dismembering limbs here and there but in Dead Space 3 its slightly better than the other 2

A good game which is worth buying , sometimes objectives become repetitive but there are some good moments that makes Dead Space 3 worth buying if you are a fan of the series. if you aren't dont bother yourself with it