This is one awesome game! Players should stop comparing to past entries and enjoy the game for what it is. SUPER FUN!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space 3 PS3
This is one awesome game! Players should stop comparing to past entries and enjoy the game for what it is. SUPER FUN!!!! One of the best games I've played in a while and trust me I've almost every game that came out in the past 3 years. An 8.0 is a somewhat safe review and I know is sole the opinion of the Gamespot reviewer. I think Gamespot should hire new people to review the actual game for what is need to be reviewed : IS THE GAME FUN AND ENJOYABLE? Basically that is all that matters for each and every single gamer. I VOLUNTEER FOR REVIEWING PURPOSES :)

I like to take my time and read the Gamespot reviews before deciding to get a game or not. It has come to my attention that every time the reviewer gives out a review from 6.0 to 8.0 the game is actually pretty cool. And hey, is not me saying but everyone that posts their comments agrees on that.

Thank you!!!