Dead Space 3 is a thrilling sequel to the trilogy.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dead Space 3 PS3
With surprises at every turn it doesn't fail to deliver what was expected and the co-op and great weapon customization changes things up for the better.

Main Character: Issac Clarke, the main character from the original Dead Space and Dead Space 2 is back and basically the same as always.Issac is an engineer and a ship system specialist. I wouldn't describe Issac as entertaining or unique but he's exactly what you need to make a great thrilling shooter.Issac gets joined by John Carver his partner and the other player in co-op.

Graphics: Dead Space has improved it's graphics and the snowy environment looks great. Also the necromorphs look creepy and gross. It's nothing too great but it still looks really good and adds to the thrill of the game.

Story: The story in this game seems a bit complicated. I can't really get into the story and it seems like they may have tried to much to make the story intense and dramatic. It just fell short for me and it's a shame because it would have made it a much better game.

Game Play: This is where the game really comes through. This game is varied with different objectives and things to do in each mission. The combat is fun and thrilling and the weapon customization adds a lot to Dead Space 3 and a feel of customization to the character and how you play the game. Unfortunately a con is that the co-op isn't as thrilling as the single player.
Rank: 8.7

Overall: 7.5

Should you buy this? Maybe, I think it's a good game and is very fun. It's not a must have however so if you don't have much money to spend then keep waiting.