AWESOME, just like the first one.

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space 2 X360
I beat Dead Space some time ago and never put up a review. I loved the first game and eagerly awaited its sequel and here it is. Dead Space 2 continues the story of the first game and does a wonderful job of explaining past events. It also fleshs out the characters more fully. You once again play as Isaac, the browbeaten engineer who survived the horrible encounter with the necromorphs on the ishimura in game one. Isaac never spoke in the first game, but in this game he speaks freely. Obviously it adds depth to the character, but it also takes something away from the mystery that the first game presented. Of course that is to be expected. You can't shroud yourself in mystery forever eventually the game was going to have to branch out and explain itself more fully. Isaac has made it to a large space city called the sprawl and once again the necromorphs have taken over.........go figure. As the story unfolds you get a better sense of Isaac and his relationships and you also find out how the necromorphs appeared and what Isaac's role in that was. If you want to know more about the story you can play the dang game yourself. The necromorphs are crazy mutated humans with large stabbing apendages and grossly deformed bodies. As in the first game the only way to put them down effectively is to dismember them. The game gives you a number of creative laser based weapons to get the job done. The weapons and methods by which you dispatch your enemies is what sets this game apart from other 3rd person horrors affairs. That and the imagery is straight crazy good...........and gory. This game looks awesome from start to finish. The bloody hallways, cramped corridors and tunnels, and open rooms all create a sense of foreboding that leaves you nervous about how you move. The environments are more varied than the first game and the action moves in a more straightforward and linear fashion, which makes this game's pacing feel more appropriate than the first's. There are some new weapons, new armors, and new enemies to keep things fresh. The sounds are still top notch and keep you on the edge of your seat. There are plenty of good boss encounters as well. I played on the upper difficulty levels and found the game to be fairly challenging. Most of the time you feel underprepared to deal with the threats that you know are lurking in the dark. Things never feel hopeless, just desperate; which is exactly how a survival horror game should feel! I never noticed any sort of glitches during my playthrough.

Last Words: Lives up to the first game in grand fashion, may even surpass it. The Dead Space series is the cream of the crop amongst 3rd person survival horror games in my opinion,.............sorry resident evil, silent hill, alone in the dark, etc.