Maybe one of best games i ever play! thx for this :P

User Rating: 10 | Dead Space 2 PC
One of the best games of all time I saw agora.Campanha until the game is actually very good and well thought out as well as the wonderful graphics and scenarios that have the game. The gameplay is tremendous, simlesmente genius and history of the game fantástica.Foi really good leaving a game like this to forget that each type had no continuation DOOM and others that are worth more without doing anything like Resident Evil4 and RC-5. Even very poor despite having loved the first but blew up like the last two films of the sage who was a fan ... I have nothing to point out regarding this game, for me it has defects, it is the games we play and in the end we were sad to have acabdo .... or if not impatient waiting to appear the new game of the saga. Superb, magnificent, amazin, ambicious, realy realy good! I have nothing to say because I really have no words that define this great game ... A game to remember later