One of the more "unique" games out of the bunch, but it has minor issues here and there...

User Rating: 8 | Dead Rising X360
This game is one of the more "unique" games to come out of the usual genre of games we have seen over and over again and this is why Dead Rising stands out amongst the crowd.

Gameplay is solid.

Nothing "amazing" about it but nothing bad either. Most of the weapons/items you can get your hands on has either one or two different attacks. However, they aren't terribly diverse enough to effect the gameplay. There are tons of weapons/items to use but when it comes down to the bottom of it, it just depends on your tastes if you like using different weapons/items to bash/shoot/blunt zombies with. Also, there are a few gameplay mechanics you might need to get used to first. Like saving and using your watch and keeping an eye on the time. Another "bad" thing for me was there aren't a huge variety of guns in this game. Oh yeah, bosses battles are very fun. =P

Graphics are great.

There are TONS and TONS of zombies onscreen and the game won't suffer one bit. You can plow down hundreds and hundreds of zombies at high speed in a sports car and the game won't slow down at all. The textures aren't super detailed but they flush out the feel of the game very well. There are some framerate drops during some boss fights and as well with using different weapons. One example would be the sludgehammer. It just "freezes" for a split second when you bash a zombie's skull open with it. I don't know why this is considering you can plow through a hundred zombies with a car and not have any framerate problems. Another minor problem is sometimes the objects in the stores just load right in front of you and it just makes it seems "ugly." =(

Sound is even better than the graphics.

From the various zombie "grunts" and "groans" to the sounds of a chainsaw slicing through a defenseless zombie and hearing the blood and guts gushing out from the impact is just AWSOME. Nothing bad can be said but with the exception of the "mall muzak." (Yes I spelt it wrong on purpose). The mall music is just sometimes too quiet to hear which is a disappointment because of its nice fancy tune. And also there are custom soundtracks but they "mute" voiceovers in the cutscenes. Again, I am puzzled on why this is.

Replay value is.... here and there... (Read On)

You can play it over and over but it does get a little repetitive after a few run throughs. You canblow off the main story and just play however you want but if you're a "Achievement Freak" like me, you'll find yourself playing this game for a while. (GT is KILL3R AZN btw to see achievements).

Overall this game is quite a "unique" game of the bunch and it is worth your time. (At least it was for me and still is). =)

Thank you for your time!