Beneath the zombie slashing, lies an ugly, ugly truth.

User Rating: 5.5 | Dead Rising X360
This game at first seemed absurdley fun, run arround and find whatever you could to kill a horde of zombies with, how could it go wrong? Easily: You cannot crouch and when you're fighting humans, they seem invulnerable, much more durable than zombies, I thought it was the other way arround.

This game could have been legendary if you actually had some real guidance to advance in the game instead of tiny writing that the creators assume everyone without an HD television can read. You're let go and you're supposed to do whatever within 72 hours. Two things, first; what if we want more time than that to kill zombies? Second; Is that enough time to enjoy the game and find everything you need to? You're guess is as good as mine.

The controls, fine, but you can't crouch. That way it could have been possible to actually beat the nutjobs you're supposed to go after.

The save system is for all intents and purposes, busted. No body wants to go halfway across the map to save their damn game.

Overall, the save system, and time limit don't blend well with a lack of direction. So I am giving this game a 5.5, because it's barely half the game it should have been. Some people can ignore the flaws in this game enough to enjoy it, but the flaws here are just far too critical for me to ignore. Check your math capcom.