Dead Rising surpasses Sequel

User Rating: 10 | Dead Rising X360
Story- The story in Dead Rising is incredible. Much better then DR2 (Dead Rising 2). I won't spoil anything here for those who haven't played it but at times especially towards the end of 72 hour mode it gets pretty emotional and they have music for it which goes greatly with it.

Gameplay- The gameplay isn't complicated at all and there only things that might take a little bit to fully master is the special melee moves.

Graphics- Dead Rising was one of the first games released for the Xbox 360 and it is very nice graphically. Even the graphics are slightly better then it's sequel mainly because DR2's graphics are a little cartoonish. Anyways the graphics for Dead Rising are very nice.

Replay Value- The great story and just the pure fun of killing zombies with many different weapons will keep you coming back for more.

Final Rating- 10/10