Dead Rising, simply put, is one of the best 360 exclusives out there despite one large issue.

User Rating: 9 | Dead Rising X360
Dead Rising does a lot of things perfectly, it's never pretentious, it's challenging, and it's a hell of a lot of fun. You'd think the premise of a free roam game with Zombies would have been done a long time ago and maybe it has been. We've seen this premise in some real awful games like Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green and others like that. Luckily for us the people at Capcom have made the magnum opus of zombie killing games and it comes to us in the form of Dead Rising. Dead Rising is an awesome game to say the least and anyone with a 360 should get it but there is a major issue with the game (And a minor one) that holds it back from earning a perfect score from me.

I don't want to end this review on a downer because it might give the reader a bad impression of the game because in reality this is one of the better games I have played this generation. My only complaint about this game is how absolutely frustrating this game can be towards a beginner. I must have quit this game three times, the fourth time I stuck with it and absolutely loved it. The real problem with it is the save system. There is nothing wrong with it once you get good at surviving but for a newcomer it can be frustrating to complete a case file, run back to save and die from Zombies. The level up system also keeps beginners down because it makes the game difficult for them. Another thing which can anger new comers is the time system which is actually a lot of fun when you get used to it. For newcomers it may seem punishing and I hated it at first but you'll get over it. In my opinion this is all that keeps this game from being perfect and I just thought I'd get it out of the way first. Now on to the good things.

Gameplay wise this game is awesome a whole lot of fun. Killing zombies never gets old and finding new and creative ways to kill them makes this one of the premier sandbox games. I wish it had co-op though, that would make experience even more awesome but it's something I'm not gonna hold against the game. It wouldn't really work within the time limits and story but I still wish there was a co-op mode. Back on topic, the gameplay is really solid and the control scheme works well. The level up system keeps the game fresh and makes it easier over time as you get more powerful. I love the new skills you unlock and some of them are a lot of fun (While some are useless). Being able to pummel zombies to death with a teddy bear? What does that mean you might ask. I'll tel you what it means, it means the gameplay in this game kicks ass and is something you must experience in my opinion.

Technically wise this game is really great and is one of the true 'next generation' experiences. The graphics aren't photo realistic but the artistic style the game has is excellent and done well. The most impressive part of the game is the technical stuff. Thousands of zombies on screen with no slow down, that's simply amazing. These models aren't low resolution either they are really great looking. I also liked the blood and gore effects in this game. All in all it's a slick looking game. The sound is also awesome, great voice work and some cool music to be heard. One music piece of recycled from Resident Evil 4 but it's forgivable since that game was awesome. The sound effects are perfect and it's awesome hearing the sound of zombies being beheaded, chainsawed, and beaten to death.

Dead Rising has an excellent story, it's really well written and is surprisingly social commentary on America (I'll keep it general since I don't want to spoil). The plot has a lot of twists and turns and it'll keep you on the edge of your seat and there is surprisingly some emotion in it. None of this comes of as pretentious, the game doesn't try to be something it's not but it's very effective and presenting an awesome story which I consider to top notch.

Overall Dead Rising is a must get game. Though it may punish you in the beginning stick with it and you'll be rewarded with an awesome experience which you will remember. The game is something which you'll play over and over again and it's just a blast to play. It's quite cheap now so you have no excuse not to get it, this game will have you playing for hours and it's one of the best games of this generation so far.

Good: Technical masterpiece, gameplay is top notch, killing zombies never gets old, story is surprisingly awesome

Bad: Downright evil to beginners, no co-op

Overall: An amazing game worth getting, just stick with it and you'll be rewarded.