Zombie fun, for less then the cost of a flesh wound!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Rising 2: Case Zero X360
Consider what else you could do for 5$ A lot.. Well lets change that to what you can do on the X-Box for 5$ and the list gets smaller and this game is definitely on the top of that list. Weather you have played the first Deadriseing or this is the first time you have picked up a zombie slaughter fest you will have fun with this game. It's just long enough to grab your interest and get you ready for the upcoming release of Deadriseing 2, getting you back to the feel of it all. I do have to say I cant give this game a 10, from what I have seen in the demo the survivor AI has not improved which I can see being another problem, the amount of times frank was killed by a survivor not pulling there weight even realistically was staggering and although the survivor count in this arcade game is significantly smaller the feel of there actions are still the same. One thing I would have liked to see in this arcade even if it was something you had to unlock was a look at the multiplayer in a bit more depth then the internet videos, they could have bundled 1 or 2 of the mini-games as well but sadly I do not see them. In closing the game is visually stunning for the amount of action going on around you keeping the mayhem free flowing.

If you liked Deadriseing this is worth it, if you like the Deadriseing demo and cant afford the full game this will hold you for a bit while you save up.