Hot Chicks + Fighting + Team Niinja/Tecmo = DoA Ultimate: The best fighting game out there and a must buy for any gamer

User Rating: 9.4 | Dead or Alive Ultimate XBOX
When you think of 3D fighting games, Virtual Fighter and Tekken have set the standards for all fighting genre devleopers to follow. Well, this year is the year for Team Ninja and Tecmo, which brings a "hot", "sizzling", and "seducing" game to the Xbox, Dead or Alive Ultimate. First and foremost, DoA: Ultimate isn't really a new game, since it is really a combination of DoA 2 and its predecessor and the original, Dead or Alive. Lets just say, its the "ultimate" DoA game for the Xbox. Gameplay is great, especially when you get to look at..."legs, legs, legs!" The hot chicks of DoA: Ultimate, get the point, and on the Xbox, they look magnificentally real. Amazing, to say the least. If you want to visually visualize what the graphics look like, think of Ninja Gaiden, they won't disappoint. In fighting games, the fighting engine will include a variety of moves for each character, but my favoritse aspect of the DoA title is the countering system. Countering plays a large part in DoA: Ultimate, unlike such titles as Mortal Kombat Deception and Tekken 4, which keeps you more on the offensive (like bumrushing with Steve in Tekken or going off with multiple combos with Sub Zero in MKD). Countering brings a fresh and inovative style to fighting games, and Team Ninja has developed it so well, you will be finding out that you will be using it all the time. The main problem I have with Ultimate is that the AI becomes predecitable and repetitive. I know that no fighting game can be perfect, but the AI sometimes will bore the living daylights out of you. But, the major plus of DoA: Ultimate is Live enabled! I can't say how much I've enjoyed playing DoA: Ultimate, even though its been only four hours since it arrived at my door. Graphics, hands down, DoA: Ultimate is the best graphical fighting game on the market. Not just because of the chicks, but because all the characters look exceptionally polished and crisp. Don't worry about any frame problems in Ultimate, because Team Ninja really tightened the graphics systeam and you won't almost notice any kind of frame problems while fighting in DoA. As I said before, Team Ninja probably has one of the best graphically sound fighting game on the market, the graphics in DoA just can't be touched and I commend Team Ninja and Tecmo for bringing us, the gamers, a awesome and beautiful product. Sound, now I was kind of disappointed because there are no English voice overs and the Japanese words that are said sound kind of sketchy. Idk, it seems as if Team Ninja could have focused more on the voice overs to make DoA: Ultimate the "ultimate" fighting game out there. I know that sound sometimes is overated, because to be honest, ninety five percent of games have some sort of sound problems (I believe). I had just wished DoA: Ultimate had English voice overs, but hey, no game is perfect. While playing, you will notice the detailed background settings for each fight, Team Ninja did a fabulous job of setting the scene for battles. There is also a vide variety of unlockables, including three new characters and also new outfits to be used. Overall, I believe that Dead or Alive: Ultimate is the best fighting game out there on the market today. You just won't find a more beautiful and sound game (graphics and gameplay) and although the sound isn't exceptionally great, I can easily overlook that minor flaw and hope that you do too. It would be a shame not for any gamer to have this title on his or her shelf, I have really enjoyed playing DoA: Ultimate so far and hope that you, the reader, will also go out and pick up a copy for yourself. Note that this is just my opinion, but anyways good fighting and hope you have fun playing DoA: Ultimate. It won't disappoint.