DOA is A-OK.

User Rating: 9.1 | Dead or Alive Ultimate XBOX
Being the first game I'd ever seen for the Xbox, DOA3 holds a special place in my heart. When I first heard about DOAU, I was a litle apprehensive. Why go BACKWARDS in a series, I asked. Well in the words of Dave Chapelle, ya gotta do whatcha gotta do, son.
Once I got past the fact that I was playing a story set before DOA3 (for the most part, I hate prequels), I found a game that improved a bit from DOA#. The gameplay element is the same, make that EXACTLY the same as before. Punch, kick, hold, knock off of ledges. Your favorite character from DOA3 (if included here) will most likely be your favorite here.
There is a plethora of unlockable content compared to previously, but here is where the problem lies: each player has numerous alternate costumes, somewhere in the 100+ total range, but the method of unlocking them is extemely tedious. You have to complete the game as many times as there are costumes to unlock. It took me 45 minutes or more to pass the game with each character once, so imagine how long it will take to get All of the costumes. there is another way that they say is easier(play survival and collect all items), but it seems like the itemsw repeat way too often.
Grapically, I don't see too much difference from DOA3 in the character models, which isn't a bad thing, because DOA3 looks good even by today's standards. I don't want to give too much away, but Zack's first unlockable costume is quite an impressive use of color and reflection. The backgrounda are really where the game has improved. The Africa level has to be my favorite. It's almost photo realistic.
Above all, if you were left wanting more after DOA3, this game is a must own. If you haven't played DOA3, this is a good place to start.