This is probably the best in the series.

User Rating: 7.9 | Dead or Alive Ultimate XBOX
Dead or Alive Ultimate

Pros : +Gorgeous graphics for the last generation. + Lots to collect for a fighting game. Including over 100 different costumes.
Cons -controls can leave to frustration. –This game is an extreme button masher. –The counter system can use some work. –The AI can go from brain dead to undefeatable.

The Plot:
Being a compilation of the first two games that introduces new features, the story of Dead or Alive Ultimate plays out as it did in the original. But now it comes with a new CG opening which explaining the relationship and history of Ayane, Kasumi and Hayate.

Graphics:DOA 2U has to have the best graphics for the last generation for the Xbox. Its only competition was Halo 2’s graphics. The only problem for the game that I could find was that the even though the graphics are very will done. The characters still look like mannequins. DOA 1U though pretty much has the same graphics from the PS1 days. Except clearer.

Controls:The controls for DOA 2U are the best so far for this series. Not saying there the best overall. There can sometimes be annoying combat collision which causes everything to go wrong. Also you will need to be able to beat the countless counters that will be handed to you during a fight.

Sound:The sound for the DOA games are pretty much the same for all the games. Using the same grunts, death cries from the previous games.

Fun:: DOAU is pretty much on of the best 3D fighting games of this time second to Soul Caliber 2 and SSBM. But that doesn’t mean that it’s that great. The annoying countless counters you will get and the messed up AI will rune the game for sometime. Along with this being a huge button masher.

Replay:: The replay is pretty much as good as any other Fighter. With items to unlock that u haven’t. The story mode that u can play to death and the multiplier that u can play with up to four friends or you can forget them and go for the somewhat leggy live.

Over all:: DOAU is a very will done game for the X-box with a few issues that can be worked out. The graphics are amazing for the last Gen console but as good as the models may seem they still look like mannequins. The controls are the best in the series turning d-pad to analog, which is a great improvement. But the controls can still be a clunky at times leaving to frustration. In the end if you want a good fighting game and you have some spare cash check this game out, you are going to like it.