DOA 4 is a fantastic game. But it gives a "Been there, done that" feeling.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead or Alive 4 (Platinum Hits) X360
DOA 4 is the reason I got a Xbox 360.

DOA 4 is a fantastic game with a great soundtrack, story, graphics and other stuff.
Though the AI is extremely challenging. It's great the AI is so intellegent but the AI is so hard to beat I usually have to walk away from the game for a couple of mintues; I get too stressed out.

The game has 4 new characters:
Eliot - Gen Fu's "Karate Kid"
La Mariposa (The Butterfly in spanish) (AKA Lisa) - Was in DOAX 1 & 2
Kokoro - Entirely new to the series (But in my opinoin, **** character.)
Spartan 458- Master Cheif (With Kortana's voice) The game has new moves for every single character.
The story has gotten a little more, emotional to say. It sure has more drama.
Character ending's are great, they look amazing and all send chills down your spine.

I'm not too crazy about DOA 4 online though.
The servers are over seas and I've experienced some major lag-age.
The new online mode has this whole 3D, interactive lobby system.
Which allows you to create your own lobby and 3D interactive avatar.
This works great, because if you were to encounter somebody who does not have a Microphone, simply press "X" and type whatever is need and it will come up as a speech bubble.

Overall, I think DOA 4 is a great game.
It does get old quickly once you have completed the story, unlocked all the characters, and unlocked all the costumes.

It's deffinatley worth checking out by either renting, or download the free demo from the Xbox LIVE game marketplace.