Perfect example of truly AWFUL game design.

User Rating: 5 | Dead Island (Platinum Hits) X360
I'd just like to say that I'm pretty easy going and tolerant when it comes to games and reviewing said games, but after spending several hours with dead island and getting well into the second chapter.... well this game is just irratating me.

First off there was a ton of potential here and I was looking forward to this game for months after seeing the trailer. Nobody is more of a horror fan and specifically zombies as myself, loved Dead Rising and it's sequel as well as Dead Space and let's not forget the films Dawn of the Dead and Return of the Living dead probably being two of my all time favorite films to which this game no doubt got alot of it's inspiration.

Let me start by saying I wrote a review on this game a few days ago, but thought it may have been a bit harsh so I went back and delved into this game to give it a serious chance and to try to enjoy it, but after doing that have decided to score this game even lower.

I'll start by talking about the things I did like: number one the idea of an open world zombie game is cool I love the fact I can explore an entire island, number two......ya know what? There really is no number two and it breaks my heart.

Dying (and you'll do alot of it in several cheap ways) has absolutely no consquence. So feel free to charge headlong into groups of zombies and die, wait 7 seconds, come back to lie.........die again rinse and repeat until you defeat them. But guess what? Round the corner there's another group of the EXACT same zombies and you get to do it all over again........YAWN!!

Enemies...well they're plentiful and they regenerate. They appear behind you out of nowhere, they swarm you, they kill you. Or how about the ones that slowly lumber about and throw haymakers that knock you to the ground because the.....

Controls are so awkward, you swing your weapon to constantly miss the enemies, you press the left analog stick to run only half the time it doesn't work and how many times shall I say you'll miss that little one foot jump on a roof only to fall and have to do it all again?

Missions......plentiful and incredibly tedious. People will have you run to one end of the map to retrieve such essentials as teddy bears and pictures (no I'm not kidding) only to have to then traverse the map again to return them.....oh and how about this classic? One mssion had me activate 4 loudspeakers to help anybody still alive, upon doing so I returned to the guy who gave me the mission only to have him ask me to activate 4 ok I did as asked and returned to him. Guess what? He wanted me to activate three more, are you @$%^& kidding me?!?! Just a terrible, terrible game design.

Anyway I've spent too much time already complaining about this bomb, and like I said it kills me because I so wanted to like this game. However I had to come on here and warn people because I see how many people are giving this game positive reviews and I just don't understand it, maybe they haven't spent enough time with it? Maybe they're just easy to please I dunno. Save your money for superior games like Deus Ex or Gears 3, or wait for Battlefield 3 just don't waste it on this. That is all.